pumpkins and other fall stuff

Since 1991 our family has provided pumpkins to the residents of the Pembina Valley at our self serve stand.  It began at the Covenant Farms location at the north end of Main Street in Winkler where A&W currently sits..

It was the starting grounds for our children to learn to work.  Exploring the field for the perfect pumpkin is exciting.  No two are alike and its fun to imagine the jack-o-lantern one special pumkin will turn into..

Our self serve pumpkin stand is located on the north side of PTH 3 in Winkler and opens from the first week of October until the 31st.  We stock it with all you need for your Thanksgiving and fall displays.  We have jumbo pumpkins as well as mini pumpkins and every size in between, a variety of gourdes and ornamental corn.  You can also find fall squash and Sugar Pumpkins - perfect for pumpkin pie.

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Meet Brutus our black lab born in 2007.

He is happy to have a new friend on the pumpkin field and thinks kittens are his pups.


NEW FOR 2019


If things go well we anticipate having a fall family farm day!  The day will include an apple cider pressing demonstration, pick your own pumpkin event and make your own apple pie to take home.

It will be a memorable day you won't want to miss!


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