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sweet corn

Our sweet corn is fantastic.  It is both sweet and tender!  We have been growing corn for 33 years and have experimented with numerous varieties each year.  The 1980's introduced the Super Sweets and we began with Extra Early Super Sweet.  It has often been the first sweet corn on the market in summer and we still grow a bit of it for the early market..  Over the years we have grown both yellow and bicolored super sweet varieties that have proven to be very sweet with a crunchy kernel.  Some of you have preferred a more tender kernel.  We have listened to you and have discovered Gourmet Sweet corn.  It is a great combination.  All the sweetness of a super sweet with a tender kernel.!


rows of corn

Corn is planted in rows.  Planting begins when the small plants are past the danger of a frost.  Provinding you with corn by the beginning of August is risky business as frost will set back or kill the young tender plants.  Planting intervals supply you with young corn throughout the summer and fall.  If we escape the full moon September frost we might be lucky enough to have delicious corn into October.!

morden corn and apple festival

We are fortunate to be the "Official" supplier of sweet corn for the Morden Corn and Apple Festival.

The free corn given away at the festival is grown on our fields and carefully picked for your enjoyment!  Sample some....its worth the wait!

2016 was a record breaking year for the Festival.  Did you know they served 60,000 cobs of corn and XX cups of free apple juice?


sweet enough to eat raw

Mornings start early on the farm and often by 10am we are hungry.  A quick snack on the field will tie us over til lunch time and there is nothing better than a fresh cob of corn.  Pick it, pull back the husk and chomp down.  This morning snack is not only delicious, it contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and is a great source of fibre......